I think the most powerful story ever written has only 3 words. It’s a drama, a fantasy and a comedy all in one. It’s universal and pervasive and a holiday favorite. Even with only 3 words, there’s a very clear beginning, middle and end. This story has the power to launch us backwards 108 steps, and only by the slightest grace do we not tumble. There are prequels and sequels, yours different than mine. This story has the power to make us cry in one moment and be giddy with laughter in its absurdity in the next.
This story keeps us in relationships far past their expiration date, it encourages us to cheat on each other, and it’s often why we don’t speak up. Here it is in all of its 3-word glory…
I Am Alone.
This story is also a mystery. 😁 But in writing and in yoga this story gets edited in the same way…. we kill our darlings by dropping our attachment to the 3rd act. So then the story becomes… I Am. And that’s when it gets really interesting and powerful where anything can happen, and we are reminded that we’re always unfinished.